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Beth Bahia Cohen is a master of many bowed string instruments from the Middle East and the Balkans, having been inspired at an early age by the Arabic and Klezmer music she heard at family gatherings. She has performed on violin, yaylı tanbur, rebab, and kabak kemane with DÜNYA since its inception. She has also appeared with Turkish musicians Reha Sağbas, Cinuçen Tanrıkorur, Ihsan Özgen, Derya Turkan, and Şehvar Beşiroğlu, many in collaboration with the EurAsia Ensemble. She also performs and teaches traditional Greek, Hungarian, Romanian, and Klezmer music on the violin. She is a 2022 recipient of the Massachusetts Cultural Council Traditional Arts Fellowship and is on the faculties of the Berklee College of Music and Tufts University.