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Music by Du Fay and Binchois for Florence and the Medici

Sunday, February 12, 2017 at Noon and 2 pm
The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Presented in honor of Della Robbia: Sculpting with Color in Renaissance Florence

Music by Du Fay and Binchois for Florence and the Medici

Guillaume Du Fay (c. 1397-1474)
Salve flos Tusce gentis / Vos nunc Etrusce / Viri mendaces

Gilles Binchois (c. 1400-1460)
Pour prison
Margarite fleur de valeur
Mon cuer chante joyeusement

Du Fay
Mirandas parit

Seule esgarée
Votre tresdoulx regart
Dueil angoisseus
Files a marier

Music for the dedication of Santa Maria del Fiore, March 25, 1436
?Du Fay
Nuper almos rose flores (sequence of the Mass for the Dedication)
Du Fay
Nuper rosarum flores (isorhythmic motet)

Martin Near & Laura Pudwell, cantus
Michael Barrett, Owen McIntosh, Jason McStoots & Aaron Sheehan, tenor & contratenor
Paul Guttry & Sumner Thompson, bassus
Scott Metcalfe, vielle, director