Well, here we go! After four and a half days of rehearsal, we are gathered at Logan waiting for our flight to Amsterdam and the excitement of Laus Polyphoniae in Antwerp! As you Blue Heron fans know, a program centered around any Okeghem mass is not for the faint-of-heart musician, but we have all put in some intense, detailed work in our short period of preparation and are in good shape heading into our first performance on Saturday evening. Our second program of 16th-century Flemish chansons on Monday will offer a contrasting mix of more intimate numbers that have been equally rewarding to delve into this week.
Some of you may recall the short video I made about Laus Polyphoniae for our fundraising appeal in the spring–thank you for meeting the call and making this trip possible! I last performed at the festival in 2015, and I have been lobbying for Blue Heron to sing there ever since. We are all thrilled for this opportunity and are so excited it is finally upon us!